Thursday, October 27, 2016


Welcome to post #2 of a four-part series on finding inspiration. To catch the beginning click here

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things."
- Mother Teresa

Opening yourself up to collaboration will unlock boundless creativity. It is a fundamental purpose of our existence to connect with one another and to build relationships- this is the only way life itself can progress. By engaging with others through art specifically, integration is more easily felt. 

"Art is our one true global language. It knows no nation, it favors no race, and acknowledges no class. It speaks to our need to reveal, heal, and transform. It transcends our ordinary lives and lets us imagine what is possible."
- Richard Kamler

Creativity at its core is about finding your place in this vast world and recognizing that you have something unique to offer. Likewise, there is always something to be gained from listening to the perspectives of others. Collaboration as a tool for encouraging inspiration is a wonderful way to access an ebb and flow of free-thinking and idea exchange.
Look for local artist or creative groups to join.
Pioneer an event for people interested in creativity to be a part of.
Think about where these people may gather- go there!
By seeking out others you will spark a boundless supply of new ideas and refine your existing concepts. It may feel intimidating at first to share your artistic soul to the world, but if you take a leap of faith and break open, you will find a whole new world of support and empowerment.

Saturday, October 15, 2016


To spark pure inspiration gather equal parts- 
motivation / collaboration / meditation / limitation.
Mix. Enjoy!

Over the next four weeks I will be walking through ways to integrate each important ingredient of this recipe into your day-to-day life. I would love to hear from you along the way about your discoveries and how they help to bring you closer to your inner artist! Leave a note in the comment section to share your story.

[mot - iv - ate]
: to cause motion

When seeking the elusive light of inspiration the first step is to get clear on what will motivate you. What will propel you into action? A key place to look is in the building of your work space. As a designer, I quickly learned that the environments in which we dwell significantly shape how we behave and how we work. Focus your attention on your most productive moments. What do you see / smell / hear / feel / taste? Cultivate your surroundings to include the things that will most effectively stimulate your right-brain. These elements will get you started:


When engaging in art play, not only is it important to have an adequate amount of lighting, it is also critical to employ a certain quality of light. 
If you are able to locate your art table adjecent to windows that will provide natural sunlight (northeast facing windows would be the softest light), this is the most ideal option. 
If you are unable to incorporate windows into your workspace, a great option would be to transition all artificial lighting to daylight equivalent LED bulbs. This light will most closely resemble the sunlight. If your schedule requires you to work after sundown, this may be a particularly nice arrangement.
If changing the overhead lighting in your space is not an option, try relying on task lighting while you work. This could include a desk lamp that adjusts depending on your project, as well as a few table lamps. 

Texture / Color

Integrate a carefully constructed palette of textures and patterns in your space. Look for a hierarchy of scales and try to stick with one type of shape (linear with hard angles or curvilinear shapes). Try building a mood board to start your collection.

Keep color in the space design to a minimum- a neutral back drop will allow your creative endeavors to fill the space with color, adding future inspiration potential. 

Pin-up space

It is critical to constantly surround yourself with art that speaks to your soul, as well as ideas and concepts that influence your thinking. Designate a place for displaying your tokens. A cork board or a small shelf will do the trick. 

Material display

Highlight a few of your favorite art supplies through open storage displays. When you are ready to begin a new project, having your favorite materials visible will foster the planning process.

Connection with nature

Tuning in to the larger environment in which we all live provides a sense of connection to the heart of who we are. Include natural materials such as wood, brick, stone in your space. Bringing in a vase of flowers or a succulent will inspire and clean the air all at once! 


What types of music inspire your artist? Collect an art room playlist and keep it handy. 

One of the most essential principles of design is the notion that form follows function (a term coined by architect, Louis Sullivan). By controlling what goes into your work space, you will ensure that the work expressed will thrive. 

Sunday, October 2, 2016


R.A.K [PHOTO CREDIT: my incredibly talented husband, Lucas Cecil]

Creativity is fluid and it's definition is highly subjective. Opening your mind and inviting your right-brain to participate more fully in your day-to-day life might be as simple as looking for a unique way to reach out to your community. We all struggle. We all have days when we feel inadequate. We are all in this life together. Creativity will flourish in an environment of empowerment. If each of us could work to cultivate unity - make it a point to lift each other up - there is no stopping us. How can you use your creative mind to spark the power of positivity? How can you connect?