Thursday, September 29, 2016


This week we enjoyed a special Autumnal Equinox celebration! We may not yet feel the usual crispness in the air that fall brings here in NC, but I am still anticipating the mesmerizing spell that the season of bounty bestows every year. Something about this time of year invigorates my will to create and to tune in and take pleasure in all that is around me. The harvest season is a time to gather. To count the small gifts in your life and relish in the abundance they carry. It is a time to re-center with our souls and nurture our true selves. As we transition from warm summer days to the comfort and warmth felt in
sitting with friends around a fire
 cozy sweaters
fuzzy socks
hot coffee
changing leaves

 allow your mind to linger on beauty. Let the season of plenty encourage motivation to rise within you.

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